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La versió "Copa, Lliga i Champions" del Crackòvia està fent estralls entre els escolars catalans i no és difícil trobar grupets de nens i nenes que la canten de dalt a baix pels passadissos, a l'hora del pati, esperant abans d'entrar a classe, a tothora, vaja. A casa també la cantem i la pubilla, per imitació, la canta picant de mans, sense encertar el ritme, tot sigui dit.. i escrit.
M'imagino que d'aquí a un temps- anys potser- alguns dels que ara són marrecs de primària i canten la versió del Crackòvia sentiran la versió original de Queen i diran:
- Quin plagi, mare meva... quan ho sàpiguen els de l'SGAE a aquests imitadors els caurà el pèl.

Em ve al cap el cas del "Knockin' on Heaven's Door". De la meva generació molta gent sempre havia pensat que era dels Guns n'Roses fins que van veure un paio baixet, tot despentinadot amb una harmònica i una guitarra que la cantava; era un tal Bob Dylan.

Demà sabrem si la primera part de la cançó seguirà sonant bé; caixa o faixa.

73 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Que bo! Que bo! Que bo! Entenc perquè els meus no se'm van entusiasmar gens amb "Al vent", que els vaig fer escoltar ahir...

Per cert... "Knocking on heaven's door" dels Guns and Roses!!! Serà possibleeeeeeeeeeee??? (ahir quan escoltaven "Al vent" vaig estar a punt de preguntar-los si coneixien "Blowing in the wind", però hauria estat massa...)

A veure què passa demà a València!

Ricard ha dit...

Oh el gran Knocking on heaven's door", el tinc amb single. Alguns dels nostres alumnes no saben que són els vinils.
A veure si hi ha sort demà i començen amb bon peu les prediccions de la cançó del Cackovia

JRoca_Font ha dit...

jo als meus els vaig posar "Vinyes verdes vora el mar" musicada per en Lluís Llach i fatal, no els va agradar gens.
del tema vinils em sembla que en faré una enquesta, segur que no saben què són.
Ah, contesto tard... "Copa, lliga i Champions!" ;-)

Enna Williams ha dit...

Megaplex Keto Blend Green tea is the best and highest recommended caffeinated beverage that you can have for your healthy weight loss

keven peterson ha dit...

Zydenafil Arginine is an amino acid that is naturally in foods like spinach and salmon. This amino acid can increase production of nitric oxide in the body. This compound, nitric oxide, can cause more blood flow in the penis because it causes dilation of blood vessels in the penis during erection.

Enna Williams ha dit...

Botanica Pure Keto
Equally, be it a conventional diet, a fad diet, or a diet pill, the early rapid bodyweight reduction effect mostly likely to

Maxwell ha dit...

Boost Xtra What is Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium Sagittatum)? Horny Goat Weedis a hardy perennial

Donald Trump ha dit...

Nature Crave Keto to individuals and prompts 100+ calories additional blazed a day.

Enna Williams ha dit...

EverStrong XT CBD supersized. Taking a look at this hype brings the question, is bigger really better? Maybe not for everything. But when it comes to men, they believe that the bigger their junk, the better they are at sex.

Wiktor Wilkins ha dit...

SlimPhoria Keto Add to that that we have, over the last 15 years, added huge amounts of sugars to our food as fillers and

Wiktor Wilkins ha dit...

Viaxxl Male Enhancement extenders, and other products sold in the market that are advertised to be effective in enhancing or enlarging your penis. Sites like Maleenhancementvideos.com, Capatrex.com, Livevideo.com, Spike.com

Donald Trump ha dit...

Vital Nutrition Keto Control Being healthy has far greater the excess skin, post-bariatric surgery is for you. It is important to remember that these procedures should only be considered after ones weight has

Donald Trump ha dit...

BioRexin Male Enhancement e from chemicals and these are regarded as the best male enhancement. Thus we can say that a natural male enhancement is the best solution to males' sexual problem.

Enna Williams ha dit...

Bluoxyn If you need to know which are the best male enhancer pills, you can always Google for them. But that, in itself,

Enna Williams ha dit...

Trubodx Keto One study, the Kinsey Report, is a constantly updated and rigorously researched report that contains information on the average penis size. This report has revealed that the average white male penis size is 6.2inches long and 3.7 inches in circumference. This report also shows that the average black male penis size is 6.3 inches long and 3.8 inches in circumference. That is only a couple millimeter

Glain Crous ha dit...

The best part about natural male enhancer pill and products is that they are super affordable, particularly when compared to the conventional alternative:

Glain Crous ha dit...

Celaxryn RX are solely intended for male fertility improvement. A sub category of the semen volume pills are supplements that only focus on enhancing male fertility by affecting the quality and quantity of sperm.

Danny Moreson ha dit...

Flash Keto really want from your physical body? My online fitness coaching clients hear this from me all the aren't looking to lose weight as much as

Danny Moreson ha dit...

CountDown Keto Exercise is indeed an inspiring factor for weight loss. We usually try to avoid exercising, which is not correct.

Danny Moreson ha dit...

New You Keto Before you choose a weight loss program, let's go through those tips one more time. This time, put them into practice - lose the weight, and keep it off.

Danny Moreson ha dit...

Keto Crush shown that the problem is more complex than this. A 2011 study in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that losing weight changes the way the body produces hormones associated with metabolism. This means that people who attempt to reduce are hungrier and suffer from higher appetite levels than they did before the loss. This lasts for at least one year

Danny Moreson ha dit...

KSZ Male Enhancement the chance of premature ejaculation, increases the perm count and will make men hard much longer.

Danny Moreson ha dit...

Folinu Other stimulants that negatively affect hair growth include some chemicals that are contained in shampoos, such as lauryl sulfate, petroleum and sodium lauryl sulfate.

Glain Crous ha dit...

Keto Boost Hypnosis and hypnotherapy will always be outstanding tools for accessing and transforming the subconscious

Glain Crous ha dit...

Luxe Trim 1 time and often contain large amounts of caffeine and other stimulants. This type of diet pill can increase anxiety and irritability, produce insomnia and other sleep problems, and even cause cardiovascular problems in people with existing heart weakness. Fat blockers can produce intestinal discomfort and other digestive problems. They can also produce malnutrition by blocking

Glain Crous ha dit...

Prime X Factor technology that is known for its accuracy and precision. It divides your body into three compartments, namely:

Danny Moreson ha dit...

Slimphoria Keto loss surgery is usually performed on patients that are at least 75-100 pounds overweight or have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of at least 35 with a health condition, overall weight loss can range

Glain Crous ha dit...

BioNatrol Keto Burn that over eating, while not exercising, will cause you to gain weight; no matter what time of the day

Danny Moreson ha dit...

Nutriverse Keto While most patients that undergo weight-loss surgery experience incredibly positive results, there are many factors that can impact the overall success of an individual patient's procedure and follow-up treatment. Here are some important factors to consider as you try to determine whether weight loss surgery is right for you.

Glain Crous ha dit...

Nutriverse keto
Obviously, this is way too much. In this situation even cutting down to one Super Size meal would be an improvement. But, as we will see in our next step, a better plan would be to do away with the Super Size meal all-together and start eating better.

Glain Crous ha dit...

Al Roker Weight Loss really are consuming. If your diet looks healthy and yet you still aren't losing any weight, you could need to look at your portion sizes to make sure you are simply not eating too much.

Glain Crous ha dit...

Bluoxyn sexual hormones happen to plummet for whatever reason during the crucial stages of his growth, especially during his mid teens to early twenties could find himself experiencing penile

Danny Moreson ha dit...

Free Cell Keto . Others are more successful when they experience the structure, accountability and support of a diet or exercise program that is supervised by a fitness professional such as a Certified Personal Trainer.

Danny Moreson ha dit...

KGX Keto have is not eating at the kitchen table. They are either standing to eat while doing other things or they are in front of the television. Experts say that generally people who eat while watching television eat larger servings of food. Our focus is on what we are watching, not what we are eating.

Glain Crous ha dit...

Electro Keto hungry and will eventually have to eat. This will knock your metabolism off track and will eventually slow it down. Think of a car running

Peterson Martin ha dit...

True Keto Boost consumption to 500-700 calories less than that without going under 1200 calories. More than a 700 calorie deficit may lead to muscle loss which is the next cause of a weight loss plateau.

Danny Moreson ha dit...

Viaxin that men have the reason to feel that they are inadequate when they have a smaller tool. Up to now, men are still perceived to take more responsibility and stay tough. Most men have a certain attitude of putting aside emotions and concentrating more on their thinking. Although

Peterson Martin ha dit...

Meta Keto Boost most comfortable around 11% body fat (which would currently put me at about 200 lbs). I don't have to watch my calories too closely and I can cheat several times per week, and I'll just stay around 11%.

Danny Moreson ha dit...

InstaHard variety of male enhancement options there are equally diverse opinions on whether male enhancement is useful. Regardless of opinion it is indisputable that society is increasingly consuming products

Jhony Sanger ha dit...

True Keto Boost - Body Contouring Procedures: For those that are losing 80 lbs. to over 100 lbs. surgical procedures, known as post-bariatric surgery, are

Glain Crous ha dit...

Meta Keto Boost life will just get better and better! Another thing to keep in mind is that weight loss is not the only aspect to increasing your fitness. It is possible to lose inches without losing weight. This is because if you build

Keven Robert ha dit...

Nutriverse Keto
I hope you found this article helpful and remember that the journey to a lean, muscular body is a marathon, not a sprint.

Jhony Sanger ha dit...

Viacen Male Enhancement The best part about natural male enhancer pill and products is that they are super affordable, particularly when compared to the conventional alternative: costly

Keven Robert ha dit...

Trainee Keto times this need brings forth a feeling of hunger, and the urge to eat something. As I said before, if the only time you ate was when your body needed food, you would never overeat and become overweight.

Keven Robert ha dit...

Veterans Vitality CBD
By definition, Arthritis means inflammation in the joints. Inflammation consists of four criterions- these are pain, swelling, redness and rise in the local temperature. All these are seen in Arthritis.

Glain Crous ha dit...

Empowered Boost used in the East for thousands of years as an energizer and as a remedy for malaise. Its active ingredient known as ginsenoside has also been known to supply a steady flow of blood to the brain and the penis.

Jhony Sanger ha dit...

Granite Male Enhancement As they say, you cannot have everything in this world. You may have all the riches on earth but you may have a 'little' problem in your penis. Men who have small penis size can have insecurities and it may affect their

Charlie Louis ha dit...

Eclipse Keto stored fat in response to depleted glycogen stores. Dietary protein and intense exercise triggers this hormone into action. When excess protein is eaten insulin levels rise, when this happens glucagon is suppressed.

Glain Crous ha dit...

Thin Zone Keto Many do not realize that mental health is also important to losing weight. Depression has been linked to overeating. Also, stress has been found to increase the amount of fat stored in our

Chriss Lain ha dit...

Ultragenik Keto instance, if you drink caffeinated black or green tea daily, you will lose weight. In this case, the caffeine causes metabolic changes, green tea is known for their many benefits that go beyond burning fat and calories.

Jhony Sanger ha dit...

Thunder Testosterone prove something. Most men want to enhance their male organ for sexual purposes: to please their partner, get more women, etc. However, more serious problems involving the desire to own.

Shane Ronky ha dit...

Thunder Testosterone These would be the best male enhancer options, as none require surgery or contain potentially harmful chemicals. To make it even better, all these enhancers are totally cost efficient and safe to use.

Danny Moreson ha dit...

Absolute Keto To maximize body a super hot welding flame. The higher the oxygen levels, the whiter the flame becomes and the hotter it gets.

Chriss Lain ha dit...

Instahard Penis exercises are more convenient than penis traction devices and are proven to increase your sex organ just by doing easy and simple exercises for only about twenty minutes a day, five days a week. These exercises are most

Shane Ronky ha dit...

Ultra X Prime women, added length and girth truly gets the job done better and more often. This is something most men would love to experience, hearing yes, more often than no. So if you are a male looking to increase the size of your male organ you really need the best male enhancement products available.

Shane Ronky ha dit...

Ultra Fit Keto The body will turn on a dime to burn sugar over fat once the oxygen level drops below a point that is determined by how you breathe during your workout because of not engaging the core area movement which stops the enzymes burn fat

Keven Robert ha dit...

Primal Grow Pro Male enhancement products can change your life in many positive ways and if you view the benefits in this way, the cost is really insignificant.

Michale Clark ha dit...

Ultra X Prime ast acting, long lasting (up to 72 hours), reportedly do not have the side effects, some can also be effective even when alcohol has been consumed, and most are backed by money back guarantee that they work...

Danny Moreson ha dit...

Raging Leo Always consider your basic health, before assuming that you need to take male sex enhancements. These are best used by males who are in optimum health, so that the enhancements can be fully realized sexually.

Danny Moreson ha dit...

Number One Keto While sweet potato isn't a grain, it is healthier for you as opposed to white potatoes. Add some butter and cinnamon for a flavorful fat burning food.

Peterson Martin ha dit...

Keto Shred Biotic Immunity Booster air loss afflicts thousands of men and makes them feel insecure and embarrassed. Most men with hair loss would part with their expensive cars, boats, or other prized possessions for more hair. This was can try these time tested fast hair growth tips for male hair loss restoration.

Charlie Louis ha dit...

Keto Shred Biotic Immunity Booster Want to add bread to your diet, but worried about carbohydrates and sugars? Well not all carbohydrates are created equal. Breads that are made from sprouted-grains, rice, spelt, and millet, are excellent, and gets your body burning fat quickly. Quinoa, is another grain to add and will super charge your metabolism to burn fat fast.

Keven Robert ha dit...

Fresh Prime Keto Now hang on just a second, eggs have been given a bad reputation over the years for being famous in many fast food dishes and cooked in hydrogenated oils which definitely isn't good for you.

Peterson Martin ha dit...

Cylophin RX your sexual health are exercising routinely, eating better, quitting smoking, and quitting drinking. However, the best possible solution would be doing all of these previously mentioned healthy lifestyle activities and combine them with an enhancement pill.

Keven Robert ha dit...

Rapid Keto Prime

Insulin-like Growth Factor / IGF: Made by the liver, this fat burning hormone is responsible for providing stored sugar and fat

Shane Ronky ha dit...

Formax Lean Male Enhancement When you take the next meal or snack, keep a few key nutrition principles in mind: Eat a variety of foods while avoiding foods high in sugar or fat; choose natural and lightly processed foods; and don't over

Keven Robert ha dit...

Empowered x Energy
Do male enhancement pills work for ALL men? NO...Let me repeat myself...NO male enhancement pills of the time for everyone. If any male enhancement product maker claims their product works 100% o

Danny Moreson ha dit...

Reliant Keto urn fat. Just click through to my how to get 6 pack abs guide to find out more about fat burning foods.

I do know that burning fat is really difficult. Sometimes it feels like it will never happen

Peterson Martin ha dit...

Vaso Prime RX surgery or serious illness can result in a sudden hair loss. Fortunately, the hair will normally regrow within a few months after the stressful event is over.

Chriss Lain ha dit...

Reliant Keto
You should be in good cardiovascular and pulmonary health before trying HIIT exercises.
HIIT is also called turbulence training method.

Peterson Martin ha dit...

Befit Keto Cut would prove to be effective for everyone. Different hair products produce different results for different people, so one treatment may work for one person but not for another. A great example that confirms

Peterson Martin ha dit...

Befit Keto Cut that argue in favor of fat-burning foods and those that say that it is an absolute myth and that burning fat foods doesn't exists.

Glain Crous ha dit...

Bio Jolt Male Enhancement
may be under the impression that it is not endorsed by pharmacies or by the FDA. They may also have doubts regarding the effectiveness of male enhancement in stores especially for those